Digital signature on template print

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Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

Dear support

If we have digital signature on template print it will be perfect CRM
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by support »

can you provide an example, please?
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

Ok, Give me time to capture it


Fahmi Salim
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

Dear Support,

Process in project some time closed by document printed, one of document printed is HANDOVER Certificate as I attached.

If this document could use digital signature which sign file already store in system say it you provide a folder special for digital signature.

And create and action for digital signature in templates extension.

To sign that template should be have a hierarchy like:
- Project Manager Should Sign First than Customer can sign so on and so on. its like a milestone sign, if PM not signed yet so finance manager couldn't sign or even the menu not show for signing.

this process needed to expedite closing project when site in remote area, and customer in other area

Thank you

Fahmi Salim
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by support »

Still not clear. What is "digital signature" in this case? Do you mean you want to attache some image (signature) in template?
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

Dear Support,

Sorry for not clear my suggestion, Hilghlight for my idea is like e-acceptance for project done. E-acceptance should be using image or digital image for signature.

But for signing its should be hierarchy sign, such as that field team sign first then project manager than customer. If all member already sign so its consider project done.
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by support »

Looks like I just don't understand what is "digital signature" in your case. First I though you want to attach image, but you can do it drug&drop or just insert image via editor.

But now you are talking about some more.
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

In my last post I thought I can use template report tools, but not perfect, because if different user the signature not change.

So my suggestion, signature should put in USER PROFILE so where ever they assign in project signature will follow.

Also my suggestion please add new field for signature (taking from image in user profile) so when create template also can use as digital signature.

Thank you
Fahmi Salim
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by support »

Also my suggestion please add new field for signature (taking from image in user profile) so when create template also can use as digital signature.
I think you want to say when user Print template (not create as admin) then we use users signature to include it in document. Correct?
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Re: Digital signature on template print

Post by fahmisalim »

Yes but user should agree by doing action in form field that he or she will put signature in the template.

User A as team
User B as Project Manager
User C as Customer

When A has done the task, he will change the status and he will checklist or dropdown action to put his sign in template by yes or no

And User B will check the task or project, he will put also his sign with same way in form field by choose in dropdown/checklist list by approve or not approved

And User C when he satify or consider project done he will do same way in form like user B

Hope its more clear

Because Ruko solution should be a total solution to deliver projects and documented and audited

Best Regards
Fahmi Salim
Last edited by fahmisalim on 17 Dec 2017, 15:44, edited 1 time in total.
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