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by p.dimitrov
26 Nov 2019, 13:04
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Export templates question
Replies: 2
Views: 706

Export templates question

Hi, I'm using MySQL query in my main entity "Orders" to list needed fields from its subentities. The query is: GROUP_CONCAT([1251] ORDER BY date_added ASC SEPARATOR '<br>') The idea is to be able to list the sub-entities from each order when attached as related item in entity "Invoice...
by p.dimitrov
16 Nov 2019, 00:55
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Calculate Totals in Listing
Replies: 5
Views: 5995

Re: Calculate Totals in Listing

I haven't done exactly this but it looks like it can be done with MySQL Query field. Your setup should be something like this: -put the field in your main entity -in the field select your Sub-entity Einträge -select field: SUM([counter field]) -condition: = parent_item_id This will sum only the...
by p.dimitrov
28 Oct 2019, 13:01
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Long lists
Replies: 23
Views: 5883

Re: Long lists

A good practice I can recommend about simple css mods is to put them in the active theme css. This way is safer than messing with the core files and also won't be rewrited when new update comes.
by p.dimitrov
27 Oct 2019, 20:40
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Long lists
Replies: 23
Views: 5883

Re: Long lists

You can try to add the following css to the items you want to stay fixed: position: sticky; top: 50px; z-index: 100; background-color: #color of your theme That way they'll "stick" on 50px from the top after you scroll and stay on the screen. With some experimenting you should be able to d...
by p.dimitrov
11 Jul 2019, 15:28
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Assigned user don't see entities
Replies: 3
Views: 520

Re: Assigned user don't see entities

Yes, I was using that functionality so the client can have access to his orders without the need to be assigned. I also used it to create entities for machines, settings and other for specific clients, so it would be automatically filtered and show the appropriate machines for every client in drop-d...
by p.dimitrov
11 Jul 2019, 12:16
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Assigned user don't see entities
Replies: 3
Views: 520

Re: Assigned user don't see entities

I have moved "Orders" to be top level entity, and assigned users now can see correctly assigned orders. So how should be configured their access to "Users" so they can properly see "Orders" as sub-entity? I tried all without luck.
by p.dimitrov
11 Jul 2019, 12:01
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Assigned user don't see entities
Replies: 3
Views: 520

Assigned user don't see entities

Hi, I have an "Orders" entity which parent is "Users". In "Orders" I have users field in which I should assign who should work on each order. For my surprise the assigned user don't see anything. I thought because it's sub-entity of "Users" so I gave access to...
by p.dimitrov
09 Jul 2019, 08:33
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Using entities templates to trigger display rules
Replies: 8
Views: 1200

Re: Using entities templates to trigger display rules

Thank you Sergey, now it works!
by p.dimitrov
19 Jun 2019, 08:52
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Automatic Status - Filter Text/Numbers
Replies: 4
Views: 704

Re: Automatic Status - Filter Text/Numbers

Is there a way to make a null check for a numeric field? For example if field is empty one status, once it's filled another status?
by p.dimitrov
06 Jun 2019, 09:12
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Link multiple records with action?
Replies: 0
Views: 548

Link multiple records with action?

Hi, is there any way multiple orders to be linked with action with a single related entities record? Currently if I have action set "Related records - add record" and select multiple orders and execute the action, it creates new related record for every selected order. This is definitely u...