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by support
04 Sep 2015, 21:23
Forum: Bug Report version 1.6 (or older)
Topic: Sorting Number Field
Replies: 1
Views: 4416

Re: Sorting Number Field

thank you for report about this issue

it will be fixed in next version
by support
03 Sep 2015, 16:05
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client
Replies: 6
Views: 3133

Re: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client

ok, looks like you need report where you will have users list and count assigned tasks to that user, correct?

at the moment there is no report like this, but this feature already planed and will be in next versions.
by support
02 Sep 2015, 22:13
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Export Task List Including Comments
Replies: 1
Views: 1760

Re: Export Task List Including Comments

for single task you can export in PDF including comments
see More Action->Export on task info page

for multiple tasks export you can't export comments, but this feature already in plan and will be available in 1.6 version
by support
02 Sep 2015, 17:19
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client
Replies: 6
Views: 3133

Re: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client

then provide more info what are you doing with some screenshots, please
by support
02 Sep 2015, 16:35
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Deadline Reports
Replies: 2
Views: 2084

Re: Deadline Reports


You can filter tasks by Due date for example.
For date field you can filter by days, for example: You can use "+1" and it means "Today+1". There rule can be "-1". Also you can set several days like "+1&2&3".
by support
02 Sep 2015, 16:32
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client
Replies: 6
Views: 3133

Re: Need to check tasks of Specific Developer/Client


You can use filters or create new report
by support
02 Sep 2015, 11:40
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Utilize Objects in Dropdown List
Replies: 2
Views: 2026

Re: Utilize Objects in Dropdown List

hi do you mean you use field type "Entity"? To build dropdown with this field type we use heading filed (Is Heading option for field) if exist or ID if you don't set any field as heading. To sort items in dropdown we use default report setting that you can set in View Configuration->Defaul...
by support
20 Aug 2015, 07:41
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Problem with using Gantt Extension
Replies: 8
Views: 3502

Re: Problem with using Gantt Extension

No, at the moment there is no plans to add feature like :)
by support
19 Aug 2015, 23:31
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Problem with using Gantt Extension
Replies: 8
Views: 3502

Re: Problem with using Gantt Extension

about formula field it's not possible at the them moment.
but Complex Formula calculations already in plan and I hope it will be in version 1.6
by support
19 Aug 2015, 21:18
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Problem with using Gantt Extension
Replies: 8
Views: 3502

Re: Problem with using Gantt Extension

Start Date and End Date are required so in your case entity Projects should have two fields (type date) that you can use for Start Date and End Date without this fields Gantt will not work Progress is not required but if you want to use it you should have to have field with type "progress"...