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21 Mar 2022, 04:23
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Automated actions - Add record
Replies: 2
Views: 291

Automated actions - Add record

Hello Sergey, I hope to find you well in this moment of tension. I need help with automated actions. I'm trying to create an automated action where, clicking on the button inserted in the "prazo [63]" entity will open the form to add a record in the "Financeiro [64]" entity. My c...
20 Jan 2022, 19:10
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Clone user goup
Replies: 1
Views: 192

Clone user goup

Dear Sergey, I would like to know if have any way to clone the "user group". For example, i have a group called "client" where all clients, by default, are members to access the system. I would need to create a "client 2" group where all the access rules would be the sa...
08 Dec 2021, 17:14
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Email sending rules - Condition
Replies: 1
Views: 195

Email sending rules - Condition

Hello! I'm getting dificulties to understand the "email sending rules" function. I'm trying to make a rule that will send the e-mail when the payment day was overdue, only to tasks that the "status" field was manually changed to "Overdue. This is my configuration: Capturar.J...
03 Dec 2021, 18:30
Forum: Bug Report version 3.0
Topic: [Solved] Email sending rules
Replies: 6
Views: 414

Re: email sending rules

support wrote: 03 Dec 2021, 16:57
In my view it seems a little strange that the setting for sending the email before the date has to be +2 instead of -2.
No, it works correctly. Once we run cron we compare current date + days entered with selected field value. You can see tooltip under days field.

Thank you so much!
03 Dec 2021, 14:44
Forum: Bug Report version 3.0
Topic: [Solved] Email sending rules
Replies: 6
Views: 414

Re: email sending rules

I setup the "email sending rules" to auto send an email for the client 2 days before the payment day. To send before date you have to use +2 (current dated+2 days) If you set -2 then it will be overdue dates. Dear Sergey, Thanks for the explanation! I will make the changes as directed. In...
03 Dec 2021, 02:52
Forum: Bug Report version 3.0
Topic: [Solved] Email sending rules
Replies: 6
Views: 414

Re: email sending rules

marijan wrote: 02 Dec 2021, 23:08 Hello,

I made a same and for me it works.

Check if you set up Cron ..../cron/email_by_date.php to run every day
Hello, Marijan,

Thank you for your reply.

My cron is set to run once a day
Well, i'll do some new tests to see if it was something punctual.
02 Dec 2021, 21:20
Forum: Bug Report version 3.0
Topic: [Solved] Email sending rules
Replies: 6
Views: 414

[Solved] Email sending rules

I don't know if it's a bug or some configuration error, but... I setup the "email sending rules" to auto send an email for the client 2 days before the payment day. Capturar.JPG If I understand correctly and the settings are correct, taking into account that the payment date is 11/30/2021 ...
01 Dec 2021, 16:33
Forum: Discussion
Topic: [solved] Working with dates
Replies: 3
Views: 319

Re: [solved] Working with dates

You can use Sergey's function rukovoditel_days_diff(start_date, end_date, exclude_days, include_last_day, include_holyday_calendar) in formula fields. Parameters are: - start_date: UNIX_TIMESTAMP - end_date: UNIX_TIMESTAMP - exclude_days: comma-separated string '1,2,7' - include_last_day: 0/1 or em...
30 Nov 2021, 16:44
Forum: Discussion
Topic: [solved] Working with dates
Replies: 3
Views: 319

Re: Working with dates

Hi! I'm trying to create a field "process duration" that shows me how long a given task lasted, better explaining the difference in dates between [717] "protocol date" " and [938] "end date" . The point is, the end date , of course, will only be filled in when the...
30 Nov 2021, 15:52
Forum: Discussion
Topic: [solved] Working with dates
Replies: 3
Views: 319

[solved] Working with dates

Hi! I'm trying to create a field "process duration" that shows me how long a given task lasted, better explaining the difference in dates between [717] "protocol date" " and [938] "end date" . The point is, the end date , of course, will only be filled in when the ...