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Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 21:03
by Witzker
Is there an OVA or an Installation image out there for VM ESXi 7 ?

Pls advise the best way to get this installed for a Newbie.


Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 22:21
by support
At the moment there is no instruction about this. I don't have experience on this. If you will sort out then it will be good if you provide some documentation about this.

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 14 Mar 2022, 21:02
by s980845 (Moderator)
Here's a guide to installing this in ESXi.
Rukovoditel is a web application, as such, it cannot be installed directly in ESXi.
Instead, you need a LAMP stack to make this work.

Since you are a newbie, and don't have experience with manually managing a LAMP stack via the command line, I will provide instructions for VirtualMin - a cPanel similar to those you would use with shared hosting, only its free and open source.

The instructions below will get you started installing this into an operating system within ESXi.

NOTE: Before following these instructions, you should go to and familiarize yourself with the platform. There are also lots of YouTube videos on it, and it would make this process a lot easier if you read up beforehand.

Step 1: Download and Install CentOS7 into ESXi.
Step 2: Once installed, open up putty or another ssh client and ssh into your newly installed os using it's static IP address.
Step 3: Login as root by typing su into the ssh terminal followed by the password you set when installing CentOS7.
Step 4: Type yum update -y (This will update all existing packages.)
Step 5: Type yum install wget -y (This allows you to download packages from the internet, like VirtualMin.)
Step 6: Type cd /tmp (This moves the working directory to the temp files directory.)
Step 7: Type wget (This will download the VirtualMin installer.)
Step 8: Type hostname <subdomain> (Example: hostname Use whatever you want the URL to be for accessing the panel once it is fully setup.)
Step 9: Type /bin/sh (This begins the install process. Follow any instructions in the terminal.)
Step 10: Once done, in your browser goto the IP address you used when setting up CentOS followed by the port 10000. (Example: It should take you to the post install page, where you will finish setting up VirtualMin.
Step 11: You MUST then point your domain's nameservers to the ip address you setup in CentOS7. (Example: with IP and with IP If you don't know how to do this, ask your domain provider.
Step 12: WAIT! Setting nameservers can take up to 24 hours to take effect. You will know once it works as going to (or whatever you set your hostname to earlier in step 8) will take you to the login page for VirtualMin.)
Step 13: Once it works, you can begin to install Rukovoditel. First, lets get our database password. We will need this when setting up Rukovoditel. Click on edit databases in the sidebar for your main domain. Click usernames and then copy the username and save it. Next click passwords, and then click the "eye" icon next to either MariaDB or MySQL (whichever you have) to reveal the password. Copy the password and save it.
Step 14: Create a Virtual Server in VirtualMin and click SubServer. type ruko into the domain name and set an administration password. Click the "Create Server" button to create the SubServer (subdomain).
Step 15: In the sidebar, make sure the SubServer you just created is selected in the dropdown. Click "Edit Databases" again, and click "Create Database", name it something like ruko_test, or whatever you wish to name the database. Make sure MariaDB or MySQL is selected in the Server database type field. Then click the green "Create" button to create the database.
Step 16: Download the Rukovoditel installation zip file from
Step 17: While still in your SubServer, select "File Manager" in the sidebar. Select "File" then "Upload to current directory". Select the zip file you just downloaded, and make sure "Extract Compressed" is checked in the window. Then click "Upload".
Step 18: Once done, you should now have a single folder called rukovoditel in the file manager. Click on it to open it up, then click the box that has the checkmark in it in the top bar to select all the folders. (See screenshot.)
Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 9.47.23 AM.png
Step 19: Click file, then cut.
Step 20: Above API or the first folder, click the folder icon with the three ... to move back to the previous page. (See Screenshot).
Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 9.49.24 AM.png
Step 21: Click file, then paste. You should now have a list of folders that look like this. (See Screenshot)
Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 9.52.22 AM.png
Final Step: Goto the subdomain you created earlier (, it should let you follow the installer to install Rukovoditel. When setting up Rukovoditel, use the database name you created in step 14, along with the username and password you copied in step 13. For database host, leave as default or use localhost.

Congratulations, you have just installed Rukovoditel in ESXi!

If this guide is too complicated to follow, there are also YouTube videos on how to install VirtualMin into a VPS or Dedicated Server.

Otherwise, if you aren't ready to do this, you can also use any shared hosting site to do this (Such as A2Hosting, Krystal.UK).
With shared hosting, Rukovoditel is a simple click to install process within the Softaculous app installer, and does not require a lengthy process to install.

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 18:35
by Witzker

Can I use some of the OVAs ready to use.
I already installed some.
Maybe a Debian would do?

They have a webmin interface preinstalled.
Will this be also useful?

I tried to install virtual min a time ago, but it was destroyed short after Installation.
As I have no experience jet, it will be a problem!

I hope to be able to use e.g. this as basis for Rucoviditel?
or some other OVA from them?
What do you think?

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 04:33
by Paullm
Given your newbie skill-level, Max, I would strongly suggest that you seek out a third-party hosting provider, who will handle all the back-end administration and backups for your site ... excluding Rukovoditel. Not only do you get 24-hour monitoring, but they'll handle any updates to Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, WordPress, etc.

I have no personal experience of VM ESXi 7, but when the creator of Ruko also has no experience of this platform, I'm wary of obscure problems that might appear, simply because Ruko would not have been tested in the ESXi 7 environment.

Web hosting is really not that expensive and you can buy it from anywhere. If your provider also offers the Softaculous installer, that will make your life easier still. I use the following company, as they offer a nice range of packages and they don't lure new customers with a low rate ... followed by a big rate-increase at renewal! ...
(I recommend "cpanel" as the UI/control panel).

Bottom line ... Don't try to do it all yourself, even though you think you can. You will have your hands full just being a Ruko System Administrator!

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 19:30
by s980845 (Moderator)
Maybe my guide above will help someone else who wants to do this within their own vps/dedicated server.
Our ruko installations are on a VPS and they use ESXi, so that guide is made with experience on how to do this correctly.
It should also work for Proxmox VE, as well as a dedicated server running CentOS7.

At your experience level, I would have to agree with Paullm.
Shared hosting is the way to go. It's as simple as going to the app installer, clicking the Project Management tab, and clicking Rukovoditel. (After making a subdomain for it first.)
Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 8.28.58 AM.png
I can vouch for if you are in the US. I've personally used them, and pricing is month to month or you can pay yearly.

If you are in the UK or EU, is also a great provider that I've tried in the past, but since I'm in the US, the latency was too much for us, and we switched to A2Hosting instead (which is US based).

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 19:47
by Paullm
Good point made by Bradley.

When checking out a hosting provider, find out where their servers are physically located, as many will let you choose where your site is actually hosted. Asura Hosting is based out of Wyoming (USA) and has server installations in Montreal, New York, Luxembourg and London.

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 20:44
by Witzker
THX for your points
Data Sovereignty is and will get more and more or better should be the most important point for deciding for such applications - for productive use!

If one wants to tinker around and does not care - is different.

As said I'm new with this server stuff but in meantime it seems to be not exactly a rocket science.

To make things more simple starting installing a server, I would like to ask again what you think in taking a Turkey or other OVA with a LAMP-Stack out of the box?

0re others:
as mentioned, with this OVA's also comes ready installed to administrate the server.

What do you think?

PS: Maybe you con contact the turkey guys to also offer your application as ready to use OVA.
Think would be a great step for you?

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 20:51
by Paullm
If you have time to "play" on non-critical systems, then great ... we all do it and that's how we learn. But, if you are talking about live systems ... YOU DON'T WANT ANY SURPRISES!

Most users on here are system administrators, who are constantly under-pressure from a boss or bosses just to get something up and working.

Re: Instalation on ESXi 7

Posted: 18 Mar 2022, 04:35
by s980845 (Moderator)
Turnkey with Lamp + Webmin should work in a pinch. There is no easy way to add subdomains to it though, all that has to be done manually by coding it into the hosts file.

If you are planning on using it only for ruko and not for testing other applications or hosting other sites, it should work fine.

I wouldn't recommend this option for a person so new to managing servers though, in my opinion, but it should work fine if this is what you choose to use.